
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Building A Professional Portfolio

Hi everyone! I'm excited because I discovered another blog by a soon-to-be student teacher. The blog, called Circus Of Learning, is written by Emily Brown, who is going through a teacher training program in Alabama. She's the first blogger I've met who blogs about learning to teach and isn't a teacher yet. Like me, she will begin student teaching in January. I think she's already been getting a lot more in-classroom experience than I have, though! 
Anyways, the semester is coming to a close. My school has the entire coming week off for Thanksgiving. I'll have one more full week before final exams. After that, I'm off from school until January 20th! Thats kind of a long vacation. I'm hoping to find some sort of temporary job during that time (since we're not supposed to work at all during student teaching) and I'm also planning to begin working on my professional portfolio. 
When I first took Intro classes at the community college years ago, we spent a lot of time working on our portfolios. They were arranged according to our state's learning standards, and every assignment we did in class, as well as a bunch of Xeroxed hand-outs we were given, went into them. I recently found mine, and its actually sort of embarrassing... I can't imagine showing it to a prospective employer. On the other hand, at my current university, they use an online portfolio program. You are required to include certain major assignments from each class in this portfolio... nothing more, and nothing less. Theoretically, you can then include a link to the portfolio when you apply for jobs. 
I would like to have a physical portfolio to bring with me to job interviews, but I am not sure how to organize it. I wondered, how do all of you organize your professional portfolios? By state learning standards? Some other set of standards? Your own. logical organizational method? I was thinking of organizing mine by the Council For Exceptional Children's Professional Standards
I posed this question on a couple of message boards for teachers, but so far I only got two replies. One person suggested I have both a physical and an online portfolio, since employers may be more likely to look carefully through an online portfolio when they have time, as opposed to having only a few minutes to page through a physical portfolio during an interview. Both people suggested that employers don't look at portfolios at all, and also that pictures are better than words because they take up less time to look at. 
I wondered, what is your experience with this? Here's what I'd like to know...
1. If you are now a teacher, did prospective employers look at your portfolio at all during interviews?
2. Is your portfolio electronic, physical, or both?
3. How is your portfolio organized? 
Thanks! I can't wait to hear from you! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your shout out in this post! How neat that we can share our experiences of becoming teachers through cyber space!! I'm so excited to read more of your experiences.

    With regard to my portfolio...mine is both physical and online. Here is the link to it if you're interested in taking a peek:
    Let me know if you ever need anything! I'd be glad to {try} to help!!! I'll keeping checking up on you periodically! =]


Do you have something to share with the class?